Check Out All the Other Ways We Are Here to Help
Commercial real estate investments encompass various types of properties, from apartment complexes to industrial parks, hospitals and multi-state restaurant chains, government-owned buildings, corporate transactions, and even power and energy projects. Whether you are buying or selling, our California-based National Commercial Services (NCS) team of professionals are experts in all areas of commercial real estate transactions.
With over 160 years of title service experience, Fidelity National Title Commercial Services are the leaders in this industry.
Learn more about our areas of expertise in CRE in the sections below:
Agriculture / Land
Cultivatable Through Service
Our knowledge in land transactions spans cultivatable land designated for agricultural production in both crops and livestock, as well as raw land in the path of future development, sale of improved land or parcels, tenements and hereditaments. Our professionals are experts in local, state and national land transactions.
Corporate Transactions
Refinancing to Debt Restructuring
From portfolio refinancing to debt restructuring to the sale of companies, we have facilitated our expertise through multiple corporate transactions. Our diligent team of professionals has successfully closed numerous multi-site transactions. We are able to provide our clients with all their title and escrow needs, streamlining the process to meet closing deadlines.
Specialized Legal Knowledge
Governmental ownership can be utilized at the community, municipal, regional and national level. Real estate transactions involving government ownership require specialized legal knowledge and processes. We have the experience and expertise to ensure regulatory and legal compliance in all government real estate transactions.
Medical Centers, Hospitals, & More...
Healthcare real estate is a specialized market, specific to buildings, offices and campuses within the healthcare community that are owned, operated and managed by multiple parties. Our expert involvement in this area includes medical centers, hospitals and nursing homes across the country. In addition, our team has extensive experience in the regulatory and technological aspects of healthcare transactions, including effective administration of healthcare REITs.
One-Site or Multi-State Transactions
The hospitality industry is a multibillion dollar industry that depends on solid real estate transactions for the development, ownership and management. The range of hospitality real estate includes hotels, public houses and sports facilities. Our title, escrow, new construction and settlement professionals offer superior expertise, guidance and support for successful transactions of hospitality land and building acquisitions, refinance, lease, and development projects, ranging from one site to complex multi-state transactions.
Multifamily Housing
Unique Title and Transfer Issues
Multifamily housing is the real estate classification for multiple and separate residential housing units contained within one building or complex. This real estate market niche includes: apartment complexes, apartment communities, high‐rise apartment buildings, duplexes, townhouses, condos, co-housing projects, and more. Our professionals offer a wealth of experience and expertise in handling the unique title and transfer issues related to multifamily housing transactions, including mixed use buildings that combine commercial and residential space.
New Construction
Diligent, From Dirt to Done
Fidelity National Commercial Services provides thorough assistance with new construction, through the entire process of preparing for and erecting new infrastructure, and includes services and underwriting support through the building’s plan, design, finance, build, occupancy and maintenance. Regardless of physical size, new construction projects are large in scale with many contributors, contingencies and considerations. Important aspects can include: environmental impact, budgeting, scheduling, material ordering and delivery, logistics, construction site safety, and more.
A complex legal framework of contracts and obligations that must be considered and sorted through from an underwriting perspective on all construction projects. New construction projects must adhere to the zoning and building code requirements, as well as all government regulations on the use of the property, access, easements, and other obligations created during the construction process.
Whether your project is a single-family home build from the ground up, or a billion dollar mixed-use development, our expertise in underwriting and closing new construction projects includes exceptional support and services.
Office / Industrial
Single Tenant to Skyscrapers & Everything In-Between
When it comes to real estate transactions related to office buildings, our proficiency ranges from simple to complex transactions for single tenants, shared facilities, small professional buildings, downtown skyscrapers and everything in between. Our team is skilled in all aspects of commercial office building underwriting.
Industrial is an area of complexity that spans small "Flex" properties to larger industrial properties, including warehouse, office/warehouse space, parking garages and distribution centers. Industrial transactions require a unique set of skills and expertise for proper inclusion of the different structural aspects in height, docks, train rail spurs, and more. Our team of professionals offers comprehensive services and sound guidance through successful transactions for industrial real estate deals, including business clusters, industrial districts, industrial parks and even technology centers, nationwide.
Power & Energy
Wind, Solar, Gas & Electric
From wind to solar to natural gas, sustainable energy initiatives are growing at an exponential rate. The role of the title insurer has never been more important when it comes to the development of successful power and energy projects. We have the financial strength, search capabilities, and underwriting expertise to partner on all power and energy transactions, ranging from financing (private and government-backed) to acquisitions and dispositions, new construction, and various other transactions.
We offer turnkey solutions including:
Due diligence to find rightful owners of land to be developed
Presentation of title insurance leasehold policy interests to protect renewable energy sites
Recording of MOLs (memorandums of lease), easements, agreements and collocation documents
Handling of all site surveys
Safe and successful P&E transactions
Retail / Restaurant
Acquisition, Disposition, & More
The retail real estate market sector includes: restaurants, cafes, retail stores, shopping malls, and pad sites on highway frontages, single tenant retail buildings, small neighborhood shopping centers, larger centers with grocery store anchor tenants, “power centers” with large anchor stores, and regional outlet malls. Our team of industry professionals is well versed in all aspects of retail and restaurant real estate acquisition and disposition, underwriting, and closing. Whether you are involved in a single site or complex multi-site, multi-state transaction, we can assist you through the entire process.